The Saenger Theatre opened on April 2, 1925 with a showing of the "The Ten Commandments." A century later, Saenger celebrates with same film - and much more.
A state senate bill proposes to require Missouri classrooms to display the Ten Commandments in schools statewide.
There is a war raging across the United States on the role of religion in public life, and Ryan Walters is at the center of ...
We can choose how to interpret something. We can decide that we have a preference for one interpretation of an idea over ...
Some advocates believe the courts eventually will approve displaying the Ten Commandments in every public school.
Between Wenders and Kieślowski, the viewer is provided two revelatory lenses through which to view a changing world and the ...
The Ark of the Covenant was used by the Israelites to transport the tablets inscribed with the Ten Commandments.
A Ten Commandments monument is headed to the New State Capitol grounds in Kentucky as religious liberty advocates and ...
Missouri students would see the words “I AM THE LORD thy God” followed by the Ten Commandments posted in every public and ...
The Kentucky legislature passed House Joint Resolution 15 (HJR 15) on March 13, essentially reminding us of the historic roots of the law. The Resolution allows for the display of ...
A bill in the Missouri Senate’s education committee concerning religion in the classroom had senators, faith-based leaders ...