UV radiation is invisible to the eye and it is non-ionizing form of radiation in the 100 nm to 400 nm wavelength region of the electromagnetic spectrum. UV radiation is arbitrarily divided into UV-A ...
It's often said that while leaning your arm out the window when driving can cause a nasty sunburn, you're fine if the windows ...
An invisible band of radiation with wavelengths from 400 to 10 nm, ultraviolet (UV) light starts at the end of visible light and ends at the beginning of X-rays. The primary source of ultraviolet ...
Biofluorescent creatures generate their glow with structures that absorb high-energy wavelengths of light, such as UV, violet or blue, then emit the light in a lower-energy wavelength. Researchers ...
This brand-new eBook offers a comprehensive overview of municipal wastewater treatment and gives you the tools you need to ...
Coherent (Santa Clara, California, USA) has not announced any new DPSS-UV products recently, but has a wide range of both CW and pulsed lasers with wavelengths of 266 nm or 355 nm and a wide range ...
Switch on is automatic if a UV wavelength is selected. Deuterium Lamps are guaranteed for one year. The measurement of an absorption band should always be carried out at the wavelength of peak ...
Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography is the next step in this trend. It uses radiation of wavelength 13.5 nm, thereby offering significant potential to extend the resolution of photolithography ...