Siena, 24. januarja - Potem ko je proti koncu lanskega leta v Italiji precej prahu dvignila ponudba banke Unicredit Group za prevzem tretje največje banke Bance Popolare di Milano (BPM), se je zdaj za ...
NLB Komercijalna Banka said in a statement on Thursday that the funding will go towards expanding Kosava's capacity to 105 MW ...
Raiffeisen Bank ostaja ujeta v ruskem finančnem sistemu. Kljub sankcijam ustvarja milijonske dobičke in posluje z dobavitelji ...
Benedetto Vigna, the Ferrari chief executive, said the following: “We are thrilled to embark on this exciting partnership with UniCredit, a bank that embodies the same spirit of innovation and ...
Leads set the spread at 300bp on a book of over €1.6bn after midday, and MBH said it was expecting to raise €500m-€750m. Soon ...
Italy also sold 5 billion euros in a new April 2046-dated green BTP, with the orderbooks closing in excess of 127 billion euros, excluding joint lead manager interest, the same bank said.
The new bond has a 3.65% coupon and was priced at 99.577, at a yield of 3.733%, the same bank said ... On Tuesday Belgium and Slovenia syndicated new bonds, while Portugal mandated banks for ...
Tako meni Banka Slovenije, v bančnih številkah se že poznajo rezi obrestnih ... Nič drugače ni bilo v tujini, rekorde so postavljale tudi druge banke, denimo italijanski Unicredit. Vse to se je krepko ...
Poslovodstvo SIJ konec naj bi konec lanskega leta banke zaprosilo za moratorij na odplačilo glavnice posojil za obroke, ki ...
UniCredit on Sunday disclosed a 4.1% stake in Generali , a move that the bank said had no strategic intentions but which ...