Ved Vedanta Gurukula Mahavidyalaya offers Vedic studies with free education, accommodation and financial assistance for aspiring scholars.
The Ramakrishna Vedanta Society of North Carolina hosted a groundbreaking ceremony Sunday for its new temple at 3109 Globe Road in Morrisville.
Spiritual growth requires work. You can't say, “I’ve never exercised before. I want to bypass the gym and get a great body.” It won't happen, says Vedanta master Gautam Jain.
Gauns is an environmental activist, who has taken the Vedanta group to the National Green Tribunal over their mining project in Bicholim, and several other mining companies to the Supreme Court.
Nostradamus had made many predictions in his book 'Les Propheties', most of which have proved to be true so far. Nostradamus ...
A science student might know about CERN. At least now they do , after the shocking news about the existence of particles ...
Why is Prime Minister Narendra Modi chairing his first-ever meeting of the National Board for Wildlife (NBWL) relevant to the ...