The Borough of Chambersburg has announced its bulky item collection event for the upcoming month. Residents can dispose of ...
Utica will begin green waste pickup throughout the city starting next month. Beginning in mid-April to mid-May, Utica ...
Yard waste collection in Hermitage will take place as part of your normal curbside collection on a weekly basis starting the week of April 14 and ending the ...
Jerusalemites have several bins for sorting trash and recycling. But does this even matter, or does all the rubbish end up ...
New Yorkers are required to compost all their organic waste under a sanitation department rule that went into effect back in ...
A councillor says Ruapehu District Council should apologise for plans to dump a small town’s recycling station. Councillor ...
The City of Greenwood says “pile it right, trash out of sight” — its new slogan for its educational trash campaign.
Life is hard for those living in the road as it is plagued by fly-tippers. Piles of rubbish are dumped at either end of the ...
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection awarded $3.3 million to the Elm City to get started on a citywide residential curbside composting program.
THE pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity, the optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty, Winston Churchill once ...
The City of Red Deer would like to inform residents that green cart collections will return to a weekly schedule starting ...
Nearly 1.3 billion pounds of plastic waste is set to enter the world’s oceans and waterways after Coca-Cola scrapped 25% ...