26:1-16) And so on. But why do we need to know how big the Tabernacle was? It did not function in perpetuity. Its primary use was during the wilderness years. Eventually it was replaced by the ...
Migrant God,' offers a theological vision for the ways Christian faith transcends national borders and is rooted in ...
This week’s Parasha, Tetzave, is the second of five Parshiyot that revolve around the construction of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness and deals with the special garments worn by the Priests ...
And they did so on a dime, packing up and immediately going. There were no fancy RVs. They traveled on foot with tents, ...
*Write a prayer of gratitude for God’s willingness to dwell with you today. Background: God instructed His people to build a ...
A Facebook invitation from Wilderness Tabernacle of Culpeper and then-Spotsylvania County Public Schools Director of Communications Tara Merenger and then-Chief of Staff Jon Russell also promoted the ...