India's financial stranglehold on world cricket is the top target in the latest edition of the Wisden Cricketers' Almanack, as it once again ponders the health of a sport held down by a global ...
War! War!" wrote A. G. Steel in Wisden 1900. "What numbers of gallant young soldier cricketers have gone to the front, eager for the chance; well, the true wishes of all cricketers and readers of ...
There follows an article by Michael Fordham, Wisden's chief statistician since 1979, in which he gives his reasons, and those of the Association of Cricket Statisticians, for wanting to change ...
Wisden CricInfo Limited, UK is a part of the Wisden Group, which publishes the Wisden Cricketer’s Almanac every year. The group also publishes a monthly cricket magazine in UK, The Wisden Cricketer.