However, once you add a bench scraper to your kitchen collection, you’ll find yourself grabbing it for many other tasks, such as lifting, folding, and dividing dough. It also comes in handy for ...
On my first day as a line cook, I noticed that my colleagues all had a bench scraper. I watched in envy as they efficiently moved piles of chopped ingredients without making a mess. I came to work ...
The best kitchen cleaning products are those that ... The squeegee’s grey sides are made from stiff plastic, so it can serve as a bench scraper and scrape food off pans without scratching ...
Is there anything a bench scraper can’t do?! It might look like just a flat piece of metal with a handle, but it's a major helper in the kitchen when you’re folding and shaping wet ...
A bench scraper to divide dough and move toppings ... cook and then quickly taking them out once they’re done. Using kitchen shears instead of a roller-style cutter on pizza prevents scratches ...