Family drama Vanvaas, directed by Anil Sharma, follows an elderly man with dementia abandoned by his sons. Starring Nana ...
Vanvaas, a family drama, will soon release on OTT platforms following a brief theatrical run. Directed by Anil Sharma, it ...
Nana Patekar DEFENDS Akshay Kumar’s acting style, compares him to Marlon Brando: “He needs a board to read. But how is it a ...
Marathi film, Patekar delivers a heart-wrenching performance as a retired Shakespearean actor facing the challenges of old ...
The film's lackluster performance wasn't limited to India. It also failed to make a significant impact on international ...
Nana Patekar, one of the most respected and enigmatic figures in both Marathi and Bollywood cinema, has always managed to remain a subject of intense media curiosity, particularly when it comes to ...
Aamir Khan, known as Mr. Perfectionist reflects on his own set of troubles.In an interview released on Zee music YouTube ...
Vanvaas, directed by Anil Sharma and starring Nana Patekar, Utkarsh Sharma, and Simrat Kaur, is nearing the end of its ...