The seven sorrows are a series of events that the Virgin Mary experienced and can be seen visually represented with seven swords that cross her heart. They are related to Jesus because Mary's ...
Gabriel is repeatedly beaten while Mary is raped by her captors during a six-hour abduction nightmare. After she gets away Mary is forced to choose between seizing a chance at freedom and letting ...
Joseph shared the happiness-but also the sufferings-of Mary. The Seven Sundays Devotion honors the seven joys and sorrows of St. Joseph. It starts on the seventh Sunday previous to March 19 (the ...
These seven men banded together to found a lay confraternity devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, especially in her sorrows connected to Jesus’ Passion, and to do penance. On the feast of the ...
receive me as a partaker in thy dolors, and never suffer that I should depart from that cross on which thy only begotten son expired for me. With thee, O Mary, I will endure all the sufferings ...
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