Output from private enterprises, local authorities and housing associations have all dropped over the last 70 years (some ...
The ESS President, Deputy Peter Roffey says a number of factors outside the committee's control led to delays.
Cyngor Gwynedd reveals affordable housing plans for Llanystumdwy with shared equity model to ensure lasting community ...
The 'affordable homes' bracket is defined in ... MailOnline has contacted for comment the G15 group representing the UK's 15 largest housing associations as well as Hyde Housing Group and Peabody.
Resonance, one of the UK's leading social impact investors, has committed £1.8m to Community Ventures (Middlesbrough) Limited ...
THREE new affordable housing developments will open up new opportunities for residents in two Dearne area communities.
A £12m boost to two council housebuilding schemes will fund 112 new affordable council houses and flats to rent.
The council will lease these homes for people needing emergency housing, reducing the need for bed and breakfast accommodation.
A new development of affordable homes on the Powys border will help the community to grow, say housing bosses.
Halt to program that helps preserve affordable housing comes amid widespread cuts by Elon Musk’s DOGE department ...
New research reveals the typical distances moved across the UK, showing that movers in the North of England are staying closer to home.
The planning committee has approved the plans for nine ‘high-quality’ houses on a ‘much-loved’ site known as Cow Field behind ...