Our weekly roundup of the latest science in the news, as well as a few fascinating articles to keep you entertained over the ...
At the site of Tombos, archaeologists have found that less-affluent laborers may be buried with upper-class people in pyramid ...
When researchers examined skeletons buried in present-day Sudan, they found evidence that some had belonged to workers who ...
After Alexander the Great conquered Egypt in 332 BC, a gold rush swept the kingdom, during which nearly 40 mines were ...
At the site of Tombos, archaeologists have found that less-affluent laborers may be buried with upper-class people in pyramid ...
Archaeologists from a Pennsylvania museum were part of a time which recently discovered the ancient tomb of an unnamed ...
The burial chamber most likely belonged to a ruler in a line of kings once lost to history, researchers said. “It’s a new ...
An international team of archeologists have discovered a massive tomb that belonged to one of ancient Egypt ’s earliest ...
For thousands of years, Abydos has been the city of the dead. It’s one of Egypt’s most sacred and ancient burial sites, ...
Scientists behind a brand new Pyramids of Giza theory have come back fighting after being labelled as issuing 'fake news' ...
The burial chamber for the unnamed ruler was found in January in a sacred city where little is known about its ancient ...
Throughout history, cultures have left behind a trail of breadcrumbs for archaeologists to follow. New sites and artifacts ...