Texas Republican senators are seeking to pass bills which would require the Ten Commandments displayed in classrooms or allow ...
Back in the Reagan era, these moments played for laughs. But today, the collision of faith and public life is no ...
"Our nation is historically a Christian nation," Zuiderveld told the Times-News. Public schools could soon be required to display the Ten Commandments ...
Under the bill, schools and universities would be required to conspicuously display a poster or framed copy of the Ten ...
BOISE — A bill to require the prominent display of the Ten Commandments in all Idaho public schools was introduced Friday ...
A bill to require the prominent display of the Ten Commandments in all Idaho public schools was introduced Friday with no discussion.
As far as I can remember and as far as I know, I have never hated any person to the point of wanting to eliminate them, ...
A bill that would have required the Ten Commandments to be posted in all North Dakota public schools was voted down on the House floor on Wednesday.
Republican Texas lawmakers are renewing a push to infuse a greater religious influence in the state's public schools with a ...
Idaho in 1925 enacted a law that required all schools to read daily passages from the Bible without comment or interpretation ...
Blaine Conzatti, the group’s president, stressed Idaho’s history with religion during Thursday’s House committee hearing, ...
School districts would be required to organize the daily selections so that the entire Bible would be read sequentially over ...