Like clockwork, hundreds of nesting herons, ibis and egrets are back at Cypress wetlands. A boardwalk provides front-row ...
Birds are widely regarded as symbols of freedom and eternity due to their ability to soar into the skies. Their symbolism exists all over the world as part of different cultures, religions, and ...
Spring draws hundreds of millions of birds north after winter shooed them away. Here are some of the species traveling to or ...
Down parka? No, a sweater will do. Wooly hat pulled down over the ears? No, a cap will do. The sound of chickadees and titmice outside the door? No — ...
For the 25th consecutive year, a heron colony is nesting and raising its young in Stanley Park with little regard to the ...
Editor's note: This story was updated with a new estimate for the number of cranes that have died in Indiana. So far, Colorado Parks and Wildlife has not seen any evidence of the bird flu ...
This year the festival is March 7 - 9. Crowds of sandhill crane admirers gather in Southern Colorado each spring to watch these birds – which have recovered after nearly being wiped out a century ago.
In the wake of an unprecedented mass die-off of sandhill cranes due to bird flu in Indiana, wildlife specialists are expressing heightened concerns over the potential impact of the disease to ...
In recent weeks, biologists with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources have counted hundreds of dead sandhill cranes statewide. At least 500 of the birds were found dead in Jackson County ...
Spring is an exciting time for birds, the season when they start to pair up ... In this dramatic photo, two adolescent Great Blue Herons nearly the size of their parent fight to be fed. They will beg ...
More than 1,500 iconic sandhill cranes have been killed by bird flu in Indiana, officials say, the latest development in the spread of the highly infectious respiratory illness. Volunteers in ...