Trelleborg Industrial Solutions has acquired NuFlow Technologies Inc., a pipe repair specialist. "We are delighted to welcome NuFlow to Trelleborg. This acquisition will allow us to better support ...
Trelleborg Group has, through its Trelleborg Industrial Solutions business area, signed an agreement to acquire the US-based pipe repair specialists NuFlow Technologies. NuFlow, headquartered in ...
I can divide my life into two main eras: before I traveled with packing cubes, and after. Pre-cube, I tended to just stuff all of my items chaotically into my suitcase, which meant I was in a ...
Industrikoncernen Trelleborg, med inriktning på polymerlösningar, rapporterar en starkare lönsamhet än väntat under det fjärde kvartalet. Bolaget skruvar nu upp utdelningen jämfört med året innan. Det ...
Get to know Ice Cube’s four kids with his wife Kimberly Woodruff Alex Gurley is a contributing writer at PEOPLE. She has been working at PEOPLE since 2022. Her work has previously appeared in ...