A new forage plantain, bred in New Zealand but now available in DLF and Oliver Seeds grass ley mixtures in the UK, significantly reduces nitrate leaching from dairy cow urine patches, as well as ...
Grass-fed beef has no climate benefit — even when taking into account that healthy pastureland can trap carbon, according to ...
The clock is ticking for drought-stricken farmers in the Central North Island who fear if they don't get rain soon, no grass will grow before winter bites.
DENNIS FUJIMOTO / GARDEN ISLAND / OCT. 9 President and General Manager Alec Sou of Aloun Farms, shown before the County Council on moving 65 % of its agricultural activities to Kauai, seeks ...
Springtime and farm babies go hand in hand. From pastel colors to fuzzy yellow chicks, you can’t have one without the other.
Note: Due to political concerns around immigration, some apprentices spoke with Modern Farmer on condition of anonymity. ...
The Eastern Bluebird is New York's state bird and a sign of spring. The species declined in the mid-1900s but rebounded ...
There are still hurdles to overcome, but growing the seaweed industry in a state known for lobster could be a win for local ...
Wednesday WARN sent an alert that the Cow Palance Dairy near Granger will shut the gates May 9th, with 100 workers losing ...
A new H5N1 bird flu mutation has appeared in a cluster of infected dairy cows. It's a genetic change that scientists say ...
Columnist Jason Schmidt didn't realize how much of an impact one cow named "Buffalo" can have on life's outlook.