A pilot and two children were rescued hours after a small plane crashed into frigid waters in a miraculous survival story.
Tyler Leclerc, a former employee of Leclerc's Martial Arts, was arraigned Tuesday on 42 charges, including sexual abuse of a ...
Tyler LeClerc was arraigned in a Dutchess County Grand Jury courtroom on March 25th on 42 count indictment for incidents taking place between 2021 and 2025.
A Dutchess County martial arts instructor previously arrested for allegedly abusing students has now been indicted on 42 ...
DUTCHESS COUNTY, N.Y. ( NEWS10) — The Dutchess County District Attorney’s Office announced on Tuesday that 27-year-old Tyler ...
Soon after finishing his sentence in a Connecticut jail, a Dutchess County man accused of stealing a truck from a Putnam ...
A man was pulled from the Hudson River and saved by first responders after jumping off a dock in Dutchess County, police said ...
Tyler LeClerc, a 27-year-old martial arts instructor, has been charged with a 42-count indictment by a Dutchess County Grand ...