THIS is the tragic moment a circus elephant tries to wake up her dead friend after she suddenly collapsed and died. Magda and Jenny were long-time performing partners, and had been inseparable for ...
At this point in history, the hubristic belief that people are above nature has allowed humans to bring immeasurable change to the natural systems that all of life depends upon for survival. The ...
Phoenix Pictures has set Jack Huston to direct the upcoming feature film Joseph Merrick, revolving around the individual ...
Elephant and warthog met in the finals with the elephant taking ... In some cases, long, drawn out slobberknockers occur. In others, the ‘fights’ end up as a comical, whimsical affair. For example, in ...
Elephants are massive, 12-foot-tall herbivores, while bears are smaller, 5-foot-tall carnivores. They differ in diet, behavior, and size, despite overlapping habitats.
Steven Knight's hit boxing drama A Thousand Blows starring Stephen Graham was inspired by real life characters and places in East London ...
Things can get tense around watering holes in Africa. Resources can be limited, and even big herbivores may get aggressive ...
In recent years, some have proposed other animals to help illustrate or describe what they see in the current presidential ...
In the intricate web of global politics, Trump’s administration is taking decisive steps to resolve the ongoing ...
WASHINGTON— The Center for Biological Diversity sent notice today of its intent to sue the Trump administration for abruptly ...
As we approach World Wildlife Day, the cargo arm of Emirates reflects on the milestones achieved along its journey.
After 35 brutal fights, Rocky the bear’s sufferings – which include a broken jaw and losing all his teeth – have come to an end.