The scroll of Esther seems historic, not just allegoric. It says very clearly that Haman wanted to kill and exterminate all Jews. He got permission from the Persian King to order the slaughter of all ...
On Jan. 21, 2020, the state of Washington reported its first confirmed case of COVID-19. On March 13 of that year, Idaho would do the same. By the time the World Health Organization announced the end ...
Like Aaron and his sons, Jesus is appointed by God to office of priest. His once-for-all sacrifice finally and forever ...
Miriam, the elder sister of Moses and Aaron, is first introduced in the Book of Exodus during a perilous ... recognizing him as one of the Hebrew children. At this critical moment, Miriam ...
Hebrew scholar and Jewish academic Irene Lancaster reflects on Purim and Jewish-Christian dialogue. Purim starts tonight and ...
If you're horrified by the specter of Jews slaughtering Shushan residents, you're missing the Purim story's real tragedy ...
Australia's leading charity for eating disorders has launched a new campaign in collaboration with top AFL players to shed ...
About 20 years ago, one of my uncles took me to what felt like the middle of nowhere to an area known as Mulberry Gap in Tennessee, not but a few miles from the Virginia border. My late uncle showed ...
Reese Witherspoon has taught her kids many lessons over the years, but there's one piece of advice that has stuck with them.
What does it mean to love our children equally? It’s a question that many families wrestle with, especially when each parent’s and child’s personality, needs, and circumstance vary so widely.