The Credit for Caring Act, if passed, would provide up to a $5,000 federal tax credit for eligible working family caregivers.
Taxpayers could fall into plenty of potholes if someone takes a wrong turn when claiming an attractive tax credit for buying ...
The IRS has issued more than 29.6 million individual income tax refunds through Feb. 21, up 2.3% from a year ago.
Despite what you may have heard, the death of heat pump and electric vehicle incentives have been greatly exaggerated.
A federal program would give more children in more states the opportunity to make a different choice for their education. The tax credit, they say, would encourage and allow taxpayers who want to ...
Advocates say tax relief such as a child tax credit is needed now as support programs shrink, but federal cuts could ...
Trump wants Congress to repeal clean vehicle tax credits. One startup now plans to help cover the cost for its customers if ...
One of the heads of a Fort Pierce company is headed to federal prison for his role in a multi-million-dollar scheme to scam ...
If either of the proposed child tax credit bill makes it out of committee and becomes law, advocates said the investment will ...
Members of the Puerto Rico Advisory Committee, thank you for today’s opportunity to testify on Puerto Rico’s inequitable ...
A bipartisan group of lawmakers are proposing to increase the program's funding from $8 million to $14 million per two-year ...