The glaciers in the Andes of northern Peru are at the centre of a landmark global case that will test the legal culpability ...
Why is Prime Minister Narendra Modi chairing his first-ever meeting of the National Board for Wildlife (NBWL) relevant to the ...
The farmer is suing German energy giant RWE, demanding it contribute to the cost of flood mitigation measures in a landmark ...
Some of the Glacier National Park’s busiest hubs are set to be temporarily closed in coming years to overhaul the park’s ...
Global sea levels rose 0.23 inches in 2024, satellite records show, compared to the predicted 0.17 inches expected for the year.
NASA data shows global sea levels are rising faster than expected. Most of the rise in 2024 came from ocean warming, not ...
On a journey through a remote part of Greenland, travel journalist Chloe Berge discovers a landscape at once fragile and ...
Global sea levels rose more than expected in 2024, Earth's hottest year on record, according to an analysis released Thursday ...
Snow and Glaciers in the Himalaya-Karakoram region have become significantly vulnerable due to climate change, leading to a ...
A recent study reveals the alarming rate at which glaciers are disappearing worldwide, reinforcing the urgency of the UN's ...
University of Idaho researchers created a model to better predict glacial movement, helping refine climate change forecasts ...
The Doomsday Glacier is currently struck in a feedback loop triggered by global warming, which could lead the sea levels to ...