The BBC has bought the TV series Families Like Ours, which was made by Oscar-nominated Danish director Thomas Vinterberg.
The BBC has acquired Oscar-nominated director Thomas Vinterberg’s first TV series. The corporation has picked up the ...
Greenland, the world's largest island, remains a self-governing territory of Denmark. Amid Trump's interest, Greenlanders ...
Måske kunne Novo-topchef Lars Fruergaard Jørgensen selv være gået en runde. Havde han gjort det i tide, var han måske sluppet for at komme i Ekstra Bladet. Man kan også undre sig over ...
Danish Boxing Promotion staged an off TV show ... while Rossing still is a long way from the fighter he once was. Rasmus Mikkelsen, a 2-0 super lightweight responsible for most of the local ...
Both the film and the conversation will be live streamed simultaneously in a large number of cinemas and cultural centers across Denmark. “Facing War,” directed by Tommy Gulliksen, follows ...
“It’s a super sad day. Not just for our department, but for the 1,500 who face an uncertain future,” employee Anders Raun Mikkelsen told Danish broadcaster DR. Denmark ranks as one of the world’s most ...
Lars Mikkelsen har givet Grand Admiral Thrawn nyt liv på skærmen, og nu får Star Wars-fans en mulighed for at bringe den ikoniske strateg direkte ind i samlingen. Sideshow har netop afsløret deres ...
FIK DU LÆST: Denne sommer er det ti år siden, at en flok unge Venstre-folk med Søren Pind i spidsen under voldsomt postyr præsenterede 10 liberale teser. Læs historien om teserne – og om, hvorfor de t ...
Kennedy Jr. for health secretary. “Let’s just see how they play out,” he said. That kind of response is typical of Denmark’s approach to diplomacy, said Lars Sandahl Sørensen, head of the ...
A member of Ukraine's notorious neo-Nazi Azov unit and convicted war criminal Dmitry Kanuper has received a standing ovation during a conference in the Danish parliament. Foreign Minister Lars Lokke ...
That was the case for Mads Mikkelsen, who made his debut as Tonny in the gritty crime drama Pusher. Since working with Refn, the Danish star has built an impressive ... One pairing that seems made in ...