Opening a kosher restaurant in New York City wasn’t always in the cards for Raif Rashed, a Druze from the village of Usfiya ...
A grandson is honoring his grandmother who was a pillar in the Audubon community in South Jersey and the heart of his family.
The developers of the new headquarters for Nokia’s research arm, Nokia Bell Labs, could receive up to $103.9 million in tax ...
Lawmakers from Pennsylvania to Indiana and beyond are all seeking to eliminate property taxes, which some call the government's way of charging rent.
LEBANON TWP. - The Lebanon Township Museum will host "Tracks Through Time: The Delaware-Lackawanna Railroad Then & Now" at 11:15 a.m. on Saturday, March 22, at the museum at 57 ...
By Gilda Buchakjian Kupelian The first celebration marking the 70th anniversary of Haigazian University, located in Beirut, ...
LEBANON TWP. - The Township Committee adopted a resolution making the municipality a part of the Musconetcong Watershed ...
Stella Higgins’ No. 22 jersey can usually be found in her closet. It has only been removed a few times during the season.
The lifestyle channel named Lambertville, set along the Delaware River, as No. 30 in its recent list of the 50 most charming small towns in America.
Tony Seker thrives in a world without boundaries. His abstract art represents the very antithesis of his childhood in Lebanon ...
One of New Jersey's most storied and beloved beach towns has made the exclusive list of the best small beach towns in America ...
More than a third of Central Jersey's 88 school districts will lose state aid under Gov. Phil Murphy's proposed 2025-26 state ...