You have read in Scripture of the golden calf (Exodus 32), the idol that the Israelites fashioned when they grew impatient ...
When Moses comes down from Mount Sinai, he’s holding the rules by which they were to live and sees this golden calf party.
What does it mean to love our children equally? It’s a question that many families wrestle with, especially when each parent’s and child’s personality, needs, and circumstance vary so widely.
It takes creativity to embrace an invisible God. It takes strength to worship a God who exists, who lives, but who does not “do.” ...
When He had finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai, He gave Moses the two tablets of the testimony, stone tablets, written ...
Not only do Moses’s kinsmen, the tribe of Levi, kill 3000 people, but to add insult to injury God also gets into the act and ...
The first demand of the “people” was that the purportedly deceased Moses be replaced with numerous leaders. Perhaps they ...
A book of ancient scripture details a different side of the story of the Great Flood that the Bible says destroyed all living ...
A book of ancient scripture details a different side of the story of the Great Flood that the Bible says destroyed all living ...
Parshah Ki Tisa is a particularly sobering portion of the Torah. It recounts the episode of the Golden Calf, as the ...
The DCB looks good in select cases, but given its high price tag, exactly when to use it is still up for discussion, say ...
Both Christian and Jewish people regard Moses’ parting the Red Sea as one of the most impressive miracles of God — or is it?