Efforts to combat urban air pollution are being led by New Delhi, now taking the bold step of banning petrol cars more than 15 years old from refuelling. Could such strict policies become a model for ...
The world is at your feet on a cruise and here are nine of the best routes around the world to experience in your lifetime.
Electric vehicle experts from Austin, Los Angeles and Oslo, Norway spoke on a South by Southwest panel on Thursday about how their cities have successfully implemented electric vehicle infrastructure.
Sign stealing in baseball. Match fixing in soccer. Doping allegations in swimming. Now ski jumping has its own scandal. Cheating by Norway team officials manipulating ski suits has ...
At Thursday’s selectmen meeting, Knox reported that Cummings North needed just over a week to rebuild the motor. The repairs cost a little under $25,000, and the money will come from the fire ...
The City of Norway may partner with the City of Kingsford to get recyclables collected. Both councils this week approved sending out a request for proposals to find a contractor to meet a new state ...
Watch: Business, homes damaged after fire department's planned burn gets out of control "I just wanted to make sure my house ...
When not cloaked in snow, Norway is an entirely different place.
The Norwegian government is looking to prepare legislation to allow municipalities to establish zero-emission zones. It will ...
Petrol vehicles are expected to be banned from zero emission zones across Norway in cities where only electric and hydrogen ...
I definitely don’t want to eat Rudolph!” blurts out one of the diners at the table next to us. Luckily for less adventurous ...