If something unexpected happens to the robot in a physical world that’s outside of the parameters it was trained on in simulation, it might have trouble properly responding. “Our goal is a robot that ...
"Push! Push!" Spin Master's Primal Hatch aims to excite Jurassic Park fans with its new evolution in the Hatchimals toy line.
Parents of a four-month-old baby boy who was the youngest in the world to have robot-assisted surgery have said they were "amazed" at the result after fearing treatment was not possible.
As the large baby boom generation ages, it will likely need an increasing amount of assistance if its members stay in their homes. Home care may be increas ...
Its "baby boomer" generation ... Zenkoukai has actively embraced new technologies, but the use of robots has been limited so far. At one facility in Tokyo, a bug-eyed, doll-sized robot assists ...