Many have wondered about this commandment: how can one not covet in your heart, a nice thing, which is goodly in his eyes?
The Decalogue, which most people mistakenly call “The Ten Commandments,” is contained in the fifth Exodus biblical portion, Yitro, which Moses repeats with many changes in the fifth chapter of ...
If passed, House Joint Resolution 15 would include the monument’s installation on the new state capitol grounds.
Bill requiring the Ten Commandments in public schools is not based on religious freedom. You don't expand religious freedom ...
The senator and lobbyist were responding to Senate Bill 114, to require public school trustees to post the Ten Commandments — ...
Legislation has been filed which would return the granite Ten Commandments monument, given to the Commonwealth of Kentucky ...
SB 51 will be heard in the House next week, and if it passes there, it will head to Gov. Larry Rhoden’s desk for final ...