Part of the Te Araroa Trail, this challenging track starts at Princhester Road end and skirts the Waterloo Station to the Aparima Huts. This track is part of Te Araroa Trail. The track from Lower ...
The grand limestone outcrops of Kura Tāwhiti hold great cultural significance for Ngāi Tahu. Climbers, families, students, scientists and travellers have always been drawn to this spectacular place, ...
The Minister for Conservation is seeking nominations for 2 public vacancies for the New Zealand Conservation Authority in 2025. We are seeking nominations from those with knowledge and experience ...
The Minister for Hunting and Fishing is seeking nominations for the Game Animal Council in 2025. We are seeking nominations from those with knowledge and experience relating to nature conservation, ...
The track starts on Ahau Street at the western end of Moana township, just past to the motor camp. The track climbs through regenerating bush, branching left to a viewpoint looking down the lake to ...
Start beside Lake Brunner (Moana) at the end of the short road opposite Lake Brunner Lodge on Kumara-Inchbonner Road. For the first kilometre, the track runs around the swampy lake margin mostly on ...
Start from the Arnold Power Station on Stratford Road, off Arnold Valley Road, about 12 km north of the Moana township. The track first passes the hydro electric power station. Crossing the Arnold ...
World Wetlands Day marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971. This is an international date with a different theme set each year by the Ramsar Secretariat. World ...
Hunting is restricted in Molesworth as it is both a recreation reserve and a working farm, and there is a need to balance the requirements of both. Red deer, chamois, goats, pigs, and Canada geese are ...
The East Coast Hawke’s Bay Conservation Board is the community’s voice in conservation management in the region. The board gives advice to DOC on local conservation matters and carries out important ...
This opportunity is best in pairs. Apply with a friend or partner. Register your interest by filling out our online application form. If you would like to volunteer at Motuihe Island, contact Motuihe ...