Paint.NET - Download
Paint.NET uses your hard drive to store temporary files related to undo/redo history. Because of this, actual disk space requirements will depend on the actions you perform on an image, and on the size of the image.
Paint.NET - Free Software for Digital Photo Editing
Paint.NET is image and photo editing software for PCs that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, unlimited undo, special effects, and a wide variety of useful and powerful tools.
Paint.NET - Features
Paint.NET now has full color management support, a feature commonly found in more expensive or complicated imaging software. This ensures that images with embedded color profiles look the way they're supposed to, as originally captured by a camera or as intended by the author.
Forums - Paint.NET Forum
Apr 14, 2023 · There, you can download Paint.NET, purchase Paint.NET in the Windows Store, or read Rick's Blog. Help Files (Paint.NET's online documentation) (124,858 visits to this link) Wow your friends with your encyclopedic knowledge of Paint.NET!
Overview/Features - Paint.NET
Oct 27, 2024 · Paint.NET documentation | Overview/Features. Join the party! Support the development of Paint.NET by making a donation.
Paint.NET - Roadmap and Change Log
paint.net 4.0.12 - released on September 12th, 2016 This is a hotfix that fixes some crashing on single CPU systems, and a rendering bug in the Rounded Rectangle shape. Fixed: The Rounded Rectangle shape's rendering was incorrect for some values of "Corner size"
Paint.NET - Screenshots
Paint.NET v2.6 introduces the Curves adjustment, available from the Layers → Adjustment → Curves menu item, which is capable of some powerful and sophisticated editing. This screenshot was edited in Paint.NET in order to add the inset copy of the original image, a border shadow, and overlaid text with shadow.
Paint.NET - Donate
We ask for a donation of $10 or $15 U.S., but of course we appreciate any amount. Please note that donations to Paint.NET are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes. There are currently two paths for donating: Donate by Mail You can mail us a check or money order, made out to DOTPDN LLC. In the memo you can write "Paint.NET donation."
Paint.NET - Licensing and FAQ
Feb 22, 2019 · Can I use the Paint.NET libraries (DLLs) in my own software or application? No. Paint.NET is only licensed for use as an application, and any use of Paint.NET in other software is strictly prohibited. License Before using "Classic" release of Paint.NET, you must accept the License Agreement as part of the setup process.
Install Paint.NET
Jan 15, 2023 · Paint.NET documentation | How to Install Paint.NET